The calming nature of the open waters can often act as a relaxant to participants that are looking to go at a slower pace. While not as intense as rock climbing or mountain biking, kayaking and canoeing still prove to be challenging activities, testing skills such as communication, teamwork, and resilience. Being out on the water provides an opportunity for participants to enjoy the physical nature of paddling, but also the ability to choose their pace. HYPAR WILD offers variations such as kayak/canoe fishing, team and relationship building games, or multi-day expeditions.


While being one of the more adrenalin-fuelled activities, mountain biking provides an opportunity for participants to challenge themselves and improve from one activity to the next. Activities can range from kicking up dust on intense down-hill trails, twisting and turning through an obstacle course at high speed, to a leisurely ride through the bush along fire trails. HYPAR WILD assesses ability and interest and can tailor an activity to suit the individual.


For those looking to test their nerves against the sheer incline of a jagged rockface, rock climbing provides an opportunity to be challenged in some of the most beautiful landscapes in South East Queensland. Self-paced activities can be created for the most novice of climbers, with qualified staff sensitive to the emotional state of the participant, encouraging them to push themselves only as far as they are comfortable with. Rock climbing is a great way to be active, build strength and work on coordination and motor skills. With locations like Mt Ngungun, Kangaroo Point, and Mt Tinbeerwah on the list, rock climbing provides a beneficial and enjoyable experience for all.


Abseiling provides a fantastic opportunity to dig deep and push through the fear standing in the way of an exhilarating experience! First-timers often struggle with the idea of stepping over the ledge with only a rope anchoring them, however, the thrill of moving down the rock face and reaching the bottom quickly changes that fear into adrenalin-filled excitement. Abseiling can assist participants in acknowledging their anxiety and creating strategies in real-time to address and overcome anxiety.


Bushwalking allows participants to participate in a low-stress physical activity in the healing surroundings of nature. Research has shown that nature can have a significant positive impact on people, and that “the natural environment can enhance human health”. Bushwalking can easily be tailored to the participant and their physical abilities making it an ideal activity for those with less stamina. Being one-on-one in nature provides a fantastic setting for mentor and participant to discuss life, deeper thoughts, and build relationships.


HYPAR WILD fishing activities have proven to be a great way for mentors and participants to connect. The downtime allows plenty of room for conversation and the thrill of snagging a fish can assist in building a solid bond. Fishing activities can be run from shore, from a jetty/bridge, or even from our fishing kayaks. If the thrill of abseiling down a 50ft cliff is a bit overwhelming, our fishing activities might be more your speed.


HYPAR WILD camps aim to incorporate our activities into a fun-filled adventure weekend. Camps are generally kept to smaller groups to provide a more personalised feel and have mentors journey alongside participants as they challenge themselves in the outdoors. Smaller groups also allow for participant input on what activities they would like to do, where they would like to camp, and intended outcomes for the camp. Programs create learning opportunities throughout the camps and are designed to build capacity in our participants in areas such as positive communication, learning stress coping strategies, and planning and time management. This allows HYPAR WILD to deliver camps that are a unique blend of fun, adventure, and therapy.


Our programs offer 1:1 mentoring and include weekend camps and activity days and are a fantastic alternative to traditional respite.


Group day programs allow participants the freedom to explore different activities with trained HYPAR WILD instructors while being mentored by their usual mentor or support worker. Participants will engage in an activity with other participants while being provided guidance to assist in learning how to interact in a prosocial manner, learn the importance of teamwork and the benefits of being part of a community.


Weekend adventure camps run twice a month. Participants are supported in a 1:1 model, with each participant having a dedicated mentor for the duration of the camp. Participants are taught to set up camps, prepare for activities, plan trips, prepare meals, and acquire leadership positions as they progress. Our program provides a tiered progression system where participants are supported from beginner to intermediate to advanced standing, helping them set goals and feel a sense of achievement as they advance through the camps. Camps focus on independent living skills, building social skills, relationships, and promoting self-efficacy.

Our Locations

HW Kayaker - Locations

Are you ready for an Adventure?